Experiment into Skill

Before we get into the main bulk of the post I can announce that my vlogs have returned! I have bought a new camera and you can see the returning video here:

So onto the main topic. I express to my students often that experimentation is an important and necessary element when it comes to producing anything particularly artistic. A practice that I try to enforce upon my own work as well so when it came to painting my infernal golem that I showed you previously I intended on experimenting with the use of source lighting, to give an effect that the pipes that were on him were hot and therefore glowing with heat. Here was my attempt at source lighting on my infernal golem.

Whilst there were some elements that came out ok and areas that I am somewhat happy with, overall I don't like the look of it and it all blends in too much with each other so nothing pops. So enjoy seeing this as it is not how it will end up looking as this will be getting a repaint very shortly. And as I say to my students with experimentation, it is important to note that this isn't a failure but merely discovering that an idea did not work out as originally thought.

At least my new batch of trolls painted up look like the old ones I did so the army fits in that regard....

Hopefully more pictures to follow in the coming week before I return to work, but in case I don't see you beforehand, Happy New Year everybody!!
