
Hello everybody!

Now usually I update these on a weekend as that is the time I can normally sit down and write these things. However I have been rather under the weather recently and was busy doing various activities to be able to update you fine people about what I have been up to.

Firstly, the main reason for not being free on Sunday to do this was because I attended Portal Wargaming's Fate Reforged Game Day (this is a Magic the Gathering card game thing) and picked up this fancy playmat for winning the whole thing ;)

But apart from establishing my dominance at MTG I have also done some painting for models. I have continued to paint the models that I undercoated last week whilst they are still both far from completion I am happy with their progress so far.

They have been so far quite fun to paint, particularly the one with the tombstone (known as Primus Death by Enigma Miniatures)

Speaking of death, I'm going to sit in a corner and cough up a lung....until next time, take care everybody!


  1. I DO like that chap with the tombstone..

    If these are just for display.. any plans for a big old scenic base?

    1. I haven't really thought about the base at this point in time. I don't know whether I want to keep it to be used as a playing piece or whether I put it on something fancy. Maybe as a RP character/boss so can still do something different with it.


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