Hey there everybody.
This past weekend I spent the weekend in my home town of Loughborough at a relatively new shop called Weekend Warlords, the purpose? A friends 40th birthday! Yes I realise that if you read these things regularly you would probably know that by now as I have been painting my Orks in response to this but needed this just to get everyone up to speed on it.
Now for a warning (yes it is one of those posts)
There is a small element of this write up that contains (im)mature content that some folks might be mildly offended by, also has images that would probably be inappropriate to look at when at work.
Right warning over.
Over the weekend we had 3 games of 40k in which we had very special scenarios with some interesting event cards to make it all really interesting and fun. Now originally there were meant to be 6 games played over the weekend if it weren't for 2 main reasons:
1. People be lazy and get there late.
2. People had not played 40k in quite a number of years and knew nothing of the game it has now become.
These reasons meant games went much longer for some people and we had less time to play games, so it became 3...
Now before pictures of games and overall round up a picture of mine and Peno's army for the weekend in a standard 12" deployment.
This past weekend I spent the weekend in my home town of Loughborough at a relatively new shop called Weekend Warlords, the purpose? A friends 40th birthday! Yes I realise that if you read these things regularly you would probably know that by now as I have been painting my Orks in response to this but needed this just to get everyone up to speed on it.
Now for a warning (yes it is one of those posts)
There is a small element of this write up that contains (im)mature content that some folks might be mildly offended by, also has images that would probably be inappropriate to look at when at work.
Right warning over.
Over the weekend we had 3 games of 40k in which we had very special scenarios with some interesting event cards to make it all really interesting and fun. Now originally there were meant to be 6 games played over the weekend if it weren't for 2 main reasons:
1. People be lazy and get there late.
2. People had not played 40k in quite a number of years and knew nothing of the game it has now become.
These reasons meant games went much longer for some people and we had less time to play games, so it became 3...
Now before pictures of games and overall round up a picture of mine and Peno's army for the weekend in a standard 12" deployment.
Honestly I think the army as a whole looked fantastic, I was proud with how my stuff came out and there is something about a large Ork army on a board that I believe looks amazing.
Now onto the silly part,
The first game I was up against a combined chaos army, I say I was up against it as my partner, Peno was unavailable on the first day as he had some baby related things....damn part-timer. But anyway this chaos army was part daemon army....of Slaanesh...yeah I think you know where this is going.
May I present, the dickfilers....or cockfilers....or dildefilers....peni I think you get the point here they are defilers with dicks on them.
Yeah....there they are...ironically the defiler with smaller dicks was the one that was sporting the "battle cannon" which confused the hell out of me. But overall the game was fun and enjoyable and led to a rather amusing situation simply dubbed "Meganob vs Mega knob"
He never saw it coming....yeah sorry about that one...
Game 2!
I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard during a game. I was against the birthday boy himself and his partner in a game that could only be described as ridiculous. Firstly there was the deployment, My opponents had the same number of models as I did (120) one of which was an Imperial Knight. They had to be squeezed into the tiniest of spaces that I shall now demonstrate.
I don't think they had finished set up at this point but you get the idea...it was a little cramped in there. The start of the hilarity was the first turn where every plasma weapon bar I think one just decided to explode leaving very little to halt the advance of the Bully Boyz formation that had screamed towards them. Also in the first turn the Knight charged my Warboss and Meganob retinue and whilst the Warboss caught a stomp to the face and died...the Knight too was smashed in the first turn and it kept going downhill for them really. At the end of it I think both sides had a hilarious time and thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Game 3!
This army had to be the most ridiculous one I had ever seen. At the start of this event's announcement we had been told we needed an army comprised of a multiple of 40 and added up to exactly 1975pts. My friend who sees these things as challenges to come up with terrifying and mental armies to break these rules came up with a hilarious answer to these limitations, he took assassins....all the assassins....as in taking as many assassins as possible in the points limit (which turned out to be a lot!)
The game got real ugly and quickly with combats happening everywhere. Assassins would annihilate the Ork Nob in a unit before being dragged down by sheer weight of numbers with the Vindicar assassins in the back rolling absolutely terribly to try and bring down the Warboss, who by this time had accumulated quite the collection of assassin head trophies!
So to summarise....3 games of utter confusion and chaos....and we loved it!!
My friend hopefully had a great time too he seemed to be laughing through most of it whether that was genuine pleasurable laughter or through sheer hysteria we will never know. But we did get him slightly interested in another miniature game that you might be familiar with...
One of us....one of us....one of us....
So there we go, a brief recap of a weekend where you really had to be there to get how crazy it was, and we weren't entirely sure of it being there ourselves!
More sensible things are hopefully on the horizon, I have some Dark Eldar to paint along with some Batman things too, but that can wait for another time.
Until next time, take care everybody!
Yup. This didn't happen. No-one was there. We didn't meant half the BBQ team in the meat aisle because they'd done and gone to another supermarket...