Grotesques and Progress

Hello everybody!

No rants or opinionated ramblings this week, just good ol fashioned paint and conversion updates.

Firstly, my dear sweet Amnion conversion has occupied the primary spot on my painting table for a while now, so here is the update:

The more I looked at it, the less I liked how I had done the skin previously. It just didn't look right for I changed it. I am much happier now I think the skin looks much better (in so much as how I want it to look....not healthy wise) and I am pleased with it's progress so far. I need to start working on the tail that attaches to it so I can then start doing some of the blood effects to merge all the elements together.

Second part of this post is my grotesque idea.....for a grotesque.....yeah.

Meet "Patient Zero", he is my prototype for how I want my grotesques to look. I wanted something really out there that would make people look and give a solid "WTF?!" face. I think this has some potential for that but it is hard to tell until it has some paint on it. I shall keep you posted on how this progresses.

That's it for this week, next week I hope to have some more updates on both the grotesque and Amnion so until then,

Take care everybody!
