Happy New Year!

Hello everybody!

Sorry about the lack of updates over the holiday, I was rather busy visiting people along with there being some major problems with my internet connection (grrr), but I am here for you now so rejoice!!

So to update the Ork stuff that I have been working on, progress has been made!

Ork bikers are about done, just need the odd bit doing and then bases to be all set up, same for the Warboss (but didn't take any pictures don't judge me!)

I have also been doing some converting and such.

 So these are my warbuggies, they were converted out of the standard GW wartrukk box. I realise that makes them a tad expensive for what they are, but damnit they look cool so that's all that matters in the end.

These are my skorchas, I wanted to use my old Wartrukk models in some way and I decided to try and hark back to the old school models with the bike front and the trailer in the back. Overall I am fairly happy but will wait and see until they are painted.
