The Claw....

Hello everybody!

Yes I realize January was somewhat of a dry month for posting, work was rather busy and I neglected to update folks on what I was getting on with.

Firstly, I have to say the Ork pledge I made fell through a little. Not that I didn't build and put the stuff together, it was more I was unable to attend the event for it and as a result my Orks felt the bitter sting of my cold shoulder as a result. I shall visit them again in the future but more pressing matters are afoot!

In March I am planning on attending a tournament and I am further determined to take my converted Haemonculus army to it. This provides me with the challenge to not only finalize the ideas for my conversions but also putting them together and painting them in time. Luckily one of the biggest chunks is now out of the way as I have finally finished my Corpsethief Claw formation. Behold my mighty unit of Talos'! I am really happy with how the unit has come out and looks as disturbing as I originally envisioned them to be....good....good......

I think they look cool, and that is the main point, but what do you guys think? I am working on some other stuff at the moment and the next push is to put all my grotesques together so I can have those ticked off as well. The raider to carry one of the units is in progress and I am trying something a bit "out there" and will show you when I get further down that path. Otherwise I shall keep you posted of my endeavors.

Until next time,
Take care everybody!
